
stripes anthology


The stripes anthology provides a new perspective on everyday life through stripe-centered illustrations.

illustration / book design | 2018

Winner of the Adobe Design Achievement Awards 2019
Winner of the Applied Arts Student Awards 2019



I created a story of stripes with a sense of journey in my illustrations in order to show my love for the often overlooked pattern.

Each focal visual element in the illustrations points to, faces, and/or moves toward the next page to enhance that idea of movement and allow for viewers to smoothly transititon from one page to the next.

The accordion folding technique allows for the story to be told in a linear format that can also be viewed as a whole, as well as be viewed like a normal bound book.

The cutouts make the experience more dynamic and makes the viewers become curious of what was behind the story itself, which reveals an array of stripe patterns, which in turn brings the focus over to the pattern itself.


concepts & sketches